Research Donald trumps presidential bid


Real estate developer Donald John Trump was born in 1946, in Queens, New York. In 1971, he became involved in large, profitable building projects in Manhattan. In 1980, he opened the Grand Hyatt, which made him the city's best-known developer. In 2004, Trump began starring in the hit NBC reality series The Apprentice, which also spawned the offshoot The Celebrity Apprentice. Trump turned his attention to politics, and in 2015 he announced his candidacy for president of the United States on the Republican ticket. After winning a majority of the primaries and caucuses, Trump became the official Republican candidate for president on July 19, 2016.

CRAAP TEST- The purpose and relevance of the the page is very useful as i wanted to find out about Donald trump before he was famous and thats what came up. there isn't a date when this page was published and there's no author so it may not be accurate.


ONLINE TWITTER- While it’s been reported that Donald Trump has had a few Digital Strategy advisors and social media employees, word is that HE is the sole person behind most of his own tweets . His lead Digital Strategist Justin McConney says Trump usually exercises his Twitter fingers in the evening, when most of his staff has left for the day. He knows his followers want pure, unadulterated Donald—and that’s what he gives them.

MEDIA COVERAGE-Trump benefited from free media more than any other candidate. From the beginning of his campaign through February 2016, Trump received almost $2 billion in free media attention, twice the amount that Hillary Clinton received. Trump earned $400 million alone in the month of February. According to data from the Tyndall Report, which tracks nightly news content, through February 2016, Trump alone accounted for more than a quarter of all 2016 election coverage on the evening newscasts of NBC, CBS and ABC, more than all the Democratic campaigns combined.Observers noted Trump's ability to garner constant mainstream media coverage "almost at will". In response, a petition to "Stop promoting Donald Trump" accused the media of giving Trump endless airtime for the purpose of increasing viewership and ratings and quickly amassed over 200,000 signatures. The media's coverage of Trump generated some disagreement as to its effect on his campaign. John Sides of The Washington Post argued that Trump's success was because of the mass news coverage, yet a later article in The Washington Post stated that he remained successful in spite of the drop in media attention. On September 21, 2015, Politico said, "blaming the press for the Trump surge neglects the salient fact that so much of the coverage of him has been darkly negative.

CRAAP TEST- the relevance of the pages were good as they had lots of information about how Donald trump uses social media but there isn't no author so may not be all accurate.


Dismissing protesters as being unfair. The President-elect has called anti-Trump demonstrations “unfair”, claiming the thousands of voters joining rallies across the US were incited by the media. “Just had a very open and successful Presidential election,” he tweeted. “Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!”. Then immediately praising those same protesters. Mr Trump then showed a change of heart towards the protesters that even the most hardened establishment politician would blush at.

CRAAP TEST- this was the only page i found with any sort of relevance but didn't have a lot of information. there wasn't a date published or author so it may not be fully accurate.

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