Detroit Bankruptcy Gavin Meehan and Ethan Winer

Detroit, which was at one timr the wealthiest city in the united states went bankrupt in 2013 due to the growing auto industries taking everybody jobs. This eventually lead to many of the city citizens leaving to find jobs and in this moments wake huge vacancy were left and much of the city was deserted. To combat this problem the non profit organization called "Greening of Detroit" came into the city giving local people plots of the vacant land to grow crops on and start farms in order to stabilize the Detroit government

"Greening of Detroit" carries out many projects to add agriculture to the city of Detroit. They help Detroit use the land in a productive way. One of their projects had their forestry workers scatter 85,000 worms in a vacant parking lot to help loosen the soil, so that the soil would absorb the water, instead of the rainwater running off into sewers near the parking lot.

By enduring this long process "Greening of Detroit" hopes to help the city create a stable government for them to be able to function on their own. When the Green Corps program was founded in 1998, it allowed for people to be employed, since it opened job opportunities by hiring high school students to help maintain the new agriculture.

"The greening of Detroit" was initially created for the purpose of going into Detroit and planting more trees and urban gardens around the city. After the organization came in, due to the new crops the city was then considered a green spaces; which is a area of vegetation set aside for a specific purpose.

Throughout this process the organization may encounter some problems like lack of funding and, pollution due to the automobile industries many factory polluting the air, and making it not suitable for plants to grow.

This organization is relevant to us too because global warming is a major problem; this organization is reducing Detroit carbon footprint, meaning they are reducing the pollution coming from the city. To help this cause out you can volunteer or donate to the organization. Also people could start planting trees in order to reduce the amount of pollution that we are causing.

Created By
Gavin Meehan


Created with images by jowest - "renaissance center general motors detroit" • brygidka10 - "skies clouds sky" • Mike Boening Photography - "Schroeder Paint and Glass_Detroit" • Mike Boening Photography - "Schroeder Paint and Glass_Detroit" • Matt Gowing - "Eloquent Citizen" • dailyinvention - "Detroit Train Depot" • llensgraf - "windmill broken old" • Jan Tik - "The Reverend and the Longdrop"

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