Toast BY Garrett Ford

We here at Toast, USA have a motto of "A toast to Toast cuz it toastastic"

The Flag Toast

"We just want there to be more toast. Toast is quality food and we want to give you QUALITY!"

Toast is love toast is life

You can only live here if you can commit to following the rules


1. You must eat toast at least once a day

2. Everybody is Vegetarian

3. Nobody under the age of 14 is permitted to drive

4. No stealing

5. You can only kill bugs

6. You must speak in an Australian accent at all times.

7. You must wear a flannel every day.

8. Being dramatic over dumb stuff is not permitted.

9. Smoking and Alcoholic beverages are illegal.

10. Garrett makes all of future laws heh heh.

just some more toast cuz you know, toast.

We are located on The Big Island, Hawaii.


10:00 AM wake up and eat toast and then party for the rest of the day.

11:00 PM go to sleep in your hammock


We here are a monarchy and Will Ferrell is the king.

Come to Toast, we have toast, flannels, and hammocks. We also live in Hawaii so there's no reason not to come stay here at toast.

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