Trip to the Harn Museum by Zachary White

Olivia Dwyer and I in front of 'Old Man's Cloth'

Medium Of the art

Untitled by Kishi Eiko

The sculpture pictured above was made out of stoneware and clay. Seeing the texture of the piece made me appreciate the effort and time that must have been put into a seemingly simple sculpture. There really is an elegance and sleekness about it. I thought that the combination of the two materials was very interesting, and I wouldn't have ever thought to combine the two media in the one sculpture. It communicated to me that good combinations can come from the most unlikely places, and that is a lesson that can be transferred to all assets of life. This piece in particular left me with a feeling of intrigue, and led to an internet search for other sculptures by this artist.

Design of the museum

Cody Wheeler and I in the Harn Museum

I thoroughly enjoyed both the open design and the color scheme of the Latin America section of the museum. I felt as though the color scheme in itself was art, with the alternating white and blue walls, jutting out at random points in the room. I also liked the way that photos were arranged in a more abstract fashion than other exhibits. I felt very free in this section of the museum, like there was no specific path I had to travel in order to maintain a constant flow of traffic.

Art and core values

Family by Agustin Cardenas

The sculpture pictured above related very strongly to my strong sense of family in my life. The sculpture shows how two parental figures are connected and their shared interest in their child really brought them together. This piece instills feelings of hopefulness and love in me. It makes me think of both my mother and father, and what will hopefully be a wife and child of my own. Seeing the piece and immediately, almost subconsciously knowing that I had a strong connection to it strengthened my core value of family.

Art and the good life

Northeast Gorge at Appledore by Childe Hassam

The oil painting above conveyed the theme 'fighting for the good life' to me. The painting depicts a man climbing out of the water onto the rocks. The struggle to get onto the rock is only the beginning of his trials as he has an entire canyon he needs to trek. I like to think of this as the man has a goal that he is trying to achieve, and there are many trials that he needs to traverse in order to reach the goal. It makes me feel as though no matter how 'big the canyon is' that I need to climb, as long as I keep fighting, and keep working hard, that canyon can be conquered. The trials are what makes the goal even sweeter when it is reached, and this painting allowed me to see further insight into my own life and goals.

Created By
Zachary White


Zachary White

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