
What is Crispr?

Crispr is short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. Crispr are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short/repetitive base sequences. After, each space is followed by a plasmid or virus.

How is it useful?

Crispr is useful because it allows scientists to edit genomes with, efficiency, and flexibility. Crispr can be useful because it is working its way to eliminating mutations and HIV in human cells. It is better than older techniques because of its gene splitting, this is why Crispr can be very useful to many scientists today.

Should it be used and why?

Crispr can be used for certain reasons. These reasons include cutting diseases out of the human body. Even though it is not allowed today, many people have arguments if it should be allowed or not. If it were to be used the gene splitting cuts into the genomes of the human body, eliminating the disease inside. Scientists yet do not know if their would be any other effects of gene splitting on a body. (Effects)

Why is this interesting?

Crispr is interesting because it shows an accurate technique of editing DNA. It can add, alter, and change genomes in the base sequence of a DNA. This can also be used in animals just like humans. This is why Crispr is interesting.

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