Against Native American Mascots erick.C.

I do not think teams and schools should be allowed to use Native American mascots

My first reason is that It's counted as racism. The mascots that are used are all the same. It shows the Native Americans how people look at them. The mascots show that all Native Americans are savages. According to the Article Adidas pledges to help schools change their Native American mascots and also quoting Eric Liedtke, the head of of Adidas global brands, "the change in mascots can lead to more respect." To add on a Native American group says "Having a team named Redkins is disrespectful." This quote supports my claim because the mascots disrespect Native Americans a lot. It's to the point that even the head personof Adidas stepped in.

My second reason is that it plain out insults the Native Americans. It goes with my first reason. The mascots stereotype Native Americans, hence it insults them. Another quote that supports my claim is from the Article

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