Types of Winds By Aaliyah Key

GLOBAL WINDS are patterns of the winds around the world. They are winds that are named and are determined by six major winds belts. There are three belts in each hemisphere.

GLOBAL CONVECTION CURRENTS occur when there is uneven heating of the Earth's surface. That occurs with all winds. The currents cause global winds on a large scale. They also cause local winds.

This is THE CORIOLIS EFFECT. It's the most apparent path of an object moving longitudinally on Earth that moves along a north-south path. Then the objects will get pushed by winds left in the Southern Hemisphere and right Northern Hemisphere on their way.
These are GLOBAL WIND BELTS. There is SUBPOLAR LOW, SUBTROPICAL HIGH, and a INTERTROPICAL CONVERGENCE ZONE. The zones are where there are different temperatures of winds.

The DOLDRUMS are an area near the equator where its calm and has light shifting winds. It occurs because of the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

HORSE LATITUDE is a belt of calm air which occurs in the Northern and Southern hemispheres between the trade winds. TRADE WIND is air that blows steadily towards the equator from the Southeast in the Southern Hemisphere and Northeast in the Northern Hemisphere especially at sea. Two belts of trade winds circle the Earth. They travel from the tropical-high pressure belts to the low-pressure zone at the equator

PREVAILING WESTERLIES are winds that go against the trade winds. They originate from high pressure areas and go from the west to the east between the latitudes of 30-60 degrees. They go towards the poles and steer extratropical cyclones.

POLAR EASTERLIES are cold, dry prevailing winds. They blow from the high pressure areas of the polar highs at the poles ad go to the low pressure areas within the Westerlies at high altitudes.

These are JET STREAMS. They are narrow, fast flowing air currents that are found around 10 kilometers above the surface. The form boundaries of adjacent air masses that have significant differences in their temperature.


Created with images by Vancour - "Sunset on the Atlantic Ocean"

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