Mary Todd Lincoln Meet the 16th first lady of the united states of america

Who is Mary Todd Lincoln?

Mary Todd Lincoln

Born: December 13, 1818 in Lexington, Kentucky\

Parents: Robert S. Todd and Eliza Todd

Mary Todd Lincoln's Early Life

  • completed preparatory school at Dr. John Ward's Shelby Female Academy at age 14
  • attended Madame Charlotte LeClere Mentelle's boarding school. This school taught French, dancing, and proper behavior.
  • Her mother died giving birth to her brother, George Rogers Clark Todd, on July 4, 1825. (This is very ironic, considering July 4th is a holiday celebrating the birth of our country and Abraham Lincoln was one of the most important presidents.)
  • The death of her mother contributed to her strong personality and ability to take charge.

Mary Meets Abraham

Mary and Abe
  • Abraham Lincoln was a law partner with Mary's cousin.
  • They separated in early 1841, but later reunited and wed in 1842.
  • Abe became the 16th president of the United States of America.
  • When Mary entered the White House, she had to overcome two differences she had from the other women.
  • These differences include: 1) she was a westerner and 2) she was also a women outside of the Washington ladies' clique.
  • She often made unwise choices as First Lady. She was in love with fashion and clothes and would take long shopping vacations to New York, however, she did not realize that the "gifts" had to be paid for, and the bills later arrived at the White House.
  • Mary wasn't emotionally stable. She had a short temper and high demands.
  • Abe and Mary were in office from 1861-1865.

Lincoln is Shot

Lincoln is assassinated.
  • Abe was assassinated in 1856. Mary was sitting next to him in the movie theaters.
  • She never fully recovered.
  • Mary was even confined to a sanitarium for disturbed ladies (mental hospital.)
  • She later died in 1882.
Created By
Fredi and Peyton

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