Values: Short-Term & Long Term Goals Learning Outcome #6

Top 10 values: God's will, genuineness, humor, family, honesty, romance, faithfulness, loved, attractiveness, and wealth.

Top 5 values: family, romance, humor, attractiveness, and wealth.

What value do you ultimately rank as #1? After reviewing my top 10 and top 5 values, I would have to say that I value family as my number 1 value, always.

Which ones were hard to discard and why? Did anything surprise you during this process? While getting rid of God's will and genuineness was difficult some of the other values were more important to ME and my well-being. Getting rid of God's will and genuineness were hard because I do take these to heart and they are definitely apart of what makes me, me. But what surprised me is how selfish I was during this process and making decisions to choose attractiveness as something I value. But I would be lying to myself if I didn't choose this as a value. It also surprised me at how much I value so much. I could have had every single one of those values on my list if I could have.

Now, with your values in mind, what are your short-term goals? I have two main short-term goals I would like to accomplish within this year. My first short-term goal is to achieve abs. This relates to my attractiveness value. I know I can achieve this goal with a specific plan of what to eat and what to do at the gym. This may be a little difficult due to my habit of loving sweets way more than I should. However, in order to achieve this goal I will have to cut sweets out, except on cheat day. Cheat day will be on saturdays and saturdays ONLY. Also, I have made up a plan consisting of crunches, planks, and mountain climbs that I will do every other day. This also relates to romance because I know it will make my boyfriend happy if I reached my goal. This can relate to wealth because if I am excelling in my physical being I can excel at anything. This can relate to humor because it will definitely be funny to watch myself struggle against not eating sweets. And lastly, this can relate to my family because it might inspire my family to get into better shape and watch their eating habits as well. As far as my other short-term goal goes, I would like to get off of academic probation. Getting off of academic probation relates mainly to my value of wealth. This goal relates to wealth because getting my Bachelor's means I will make more money than just getting a job with a high school degree. This can also relate to my value of romance because my boyfriend will find it very attractive that I am working hard in school. This can relate to attractiveness because my boyfriend will find it very attractive that I am excelling in school and my grades. This goal can also relate to my core value of humor because once I am off academic probation I can look back and laugh at the mistakes I made and now I know how to improve/avoid them in the future. And lastly, this goal can relate to my family because I will be the first one in my family to graduate from college and this goal will make them very happy. In order to achieve this goal I must use time management and my weekly planner. Just by following my weekly planner, I can get off academic probation. This is because I have set times to study, review, and look over notes before each class.

And what about your long-term goals? As far as long-term goals go, I know for sure I want to be happily married to my dream guy. No, I don't care if he is the most handsome man in the world. All I want is someone who makes me as happy as I can them. I want that spark every time I look at him to remind me why I married him. And most importantly, I want someone to make me feel secure even when it feels like the world is caving in around me. As far as a plan goes for this, I am hoping that God will place this man in my life (even though I'm 99% sure that's why he gave me Riley) and make it known I am supposed to be with him. This goal relates to my value of romance. Romance plays a very important role in my life and marriage is most definitely my number one goal in life. However, this goal can also relate to wealth because if I marry Riley we will be very wealthy. He is going to school to become an engineer and I know whatever I end up deciding to do I will also be making a decent amount of money. Therefore, combined we will be very financially stable. This goal can also relate to humor because Riley does make me laugh all the time. This goal can also relate to attractiveness because I am highly attracted to my boyfriend and how much of a man he is for me. And lastly, this can relate to family because once we are married he will be my family.

Left: Top 10 Values from class activity. Right: Top 5 values from class activity.


When we first started this activity, it was very difficult for me to choose what values were important to me and what values were MOST important to me. This is because I feel very strongly about all of my beliefs and values. Not only were these decisions difficult to make but it gave me really bad anxiety as well. When it came down to choosing the top 10 I had: God's will, genuineness, humor,family, honesty, romance, faithfulness, loved, attractiveness, and wealth. However, then when it came to top 5 I had: family, romance, humor, attractiveness, and wealth. While getting rid of God's will and genuineness was difficult some of the other values were more important to ME and my well-being. Now that I know which values I treasure the most, this can help me prioritize my life to help me achieve my goals to the best of my ability. For example, my family can help encourage me when I don't feel as if i can achieve my goals. And keeping my eye on the prize (money) can help motivate me to actually complete my short and long-term goals. I am very happy we completed this activity, as it helped me learn more about who I am as a person and who I can be as a student!


Created with images by MikePhotoArt - "money"

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