south carolina, myrtle beach Danica kaiser

location details

this is a PICTURE of the united states and where it is.

Myrtle beach is located in south,Carolina witch is a very popular area which is 14.1 miles away from Conway. It takes 17 hours and 12 minutes approximately to get there in a can from lena Illinois. It takes around 38 to 39 hours in a car from California and it takes around 8 hours to get there will a plane.


this is the chart BETWEEN the heat index.

In winter months the temperature is around 78 degrees. The climate there can be muggy around summer time because of all the water but that it is unlikely to happen. The highest temp ever recorded was 113 degrees.


Early History. The area's first inhabitants were the Waccamaw and Winyah Indians, who named the region Chora meaning "the land." Kings Highway - a major thoroughfare through the Myrtle Beach area - began as an Indian trail long before Europeans settled along the Grand Strand. It was incorporated in 1938. The beach in myrtle beach is 60 miles long and lots of people go to the beach each year. Myrtle beach has around 15,000 acres of cities. They have the nationals third best boardwalk.

Hurricane ALLISON hit on July 6th in 2001 and destroyed many homes and was going around 20 to 25 miles per hour.


observation wheel and it is 200 feet tall and is a very popular ride.

There are more than 200 different rides and attractions to go to and there are lots of arcades for kids and adults. A few popular ones are the observation wheel, broad way at the beach, and family kingdom amusement park. They rides all open all year round.


The most popular played sport there is golf and some have a lot more but around 4.2 million rounds of golf are play year round. They are called the golf capital of the world because of how many rounds are play per year.

This is the most popular sport in myrtle beach.


Created with images by David N Cooper - "Myrtle Beach Sunrise grass blue" • paulbr75 - "golf bag clubs ball"

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