
Literacy Curriculum Ward green primary school

Intent - HCAT Year on a Page and the National Curriculum

At WGPS, we endeavour to teach English with conviction, joy, skill and enthusiasm, and to feed the children with rich literature experiences at every opportunity; using the Skills and Knowledge Based Curriculum where appropriate.

We have tailored the HCAT year on a page for individual year groups that cover the three main areas of the national curriculum : Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening to ensure progressive coverage and high expectations for all.

Our teaching is based on the recommended primary English Curriculum, which has been personalised to meet the needs of our learners. However, while we acknowledge the recommendations of the English Curriculum, staff are encouraged to exercise their creative judgement and to be flexible in the teaching and learning of English through the Skills and Knowledge Based Curriculum, based on the differing needs, interests and abilities of the children.


Implementation - Gather, Skills Apply & Accelerated Learning Cycle

Teaching at WGPS, centres around the use of Gather, Skills, Apply. This approach provides pupils with the opportunity to analyse elements of high quality texts, develop new or refine existing skills linked to the text type and apply this to writing. Pupils are explicitly taught the skills required to enable them to become successful and independent writers’.

The Accelerated Learning Cycle, based on the work of Alastair Smith, is applied in all lessons. It stems from the idea of a supportive and challenging learning environment. The cycle has active engagement through multi-sensory learning, encourages the demonstration of understanding in a variety of ways and the consolidation of knowing.

Implementation of accelerated learning, supported by EEF metacognition research, has ensured the pace of learning is appropriate and has enabled pupils to secure rapid and sustained progress.


Impact - Summative and Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is ongoing throughout each lesson. It judges progress and enables the teacher to make flexible adaptations to their planned teaching.

Effective formative assessment, daily marking and feedback and adult interaction within lessons is firmly embedded into our approach to teaching and learning. All pupils are supported to develop, progress and move their learning forward through support, questioning and feedback. Pupils demonstrate the impact this has on improving their learning through editing and response.

The use of clear learning objectives and success criteria ensures pupils to understand their learning and become self-regulated learners who aspire to achieve to their full potential. The use of Achieve, Challenge and Aspire success criteria allows children assess their learning independently. Pupils and teachers refer to this throughout the lesson when they are assessing the progress they have made

Reading and writing is assessed by teachers who use the HCAT trackers for their year groups to allocate a level and next steps for each pupil. We aim to produce at least 2 assessed pieces of writing per half term. Cross moderation occurs in school every term and pieces are gathered for a model portfolio. Moderation across trust and the LA support this process

HCAT - Literacy: Year on a page
Y2 Literacy on a page example- HCAT