digital art portfolio abigail harrison

food layer projecct

For this project we had to create a food with difficult layers. The most different thing doing was always challenging to change layers. I picked donuts because i like them.

pop art

everything couldn't this project we had to find a picture and put it on photoshop 4 times and create different colors and remembering. I picked to do Roy because i backrounds think of anyone else to do. the most challenging thing was remembering and following along with the videos.

this was are 3D form project. We had to do 4 different shapes and ix and blend them togather. We also had to pick a light source and draw shadows to the shapes.
For this project we had to pick a flying animal. After we picked the animal we had to make a backround. This was are first independent project. to do yhe stars i downlded different brushes.
For this project we had to find 10 things that describe us. Next we had to spell out are name in big and thick font so we could see the 10 things that describes us better. Last we had to pick a back round and move around your name to sit where you want you name to be.
For this project we had to pick anything and make it into that shape with one word repeating. We had to use at least 4 colors. Another thing we had to do is not just put the words straight we had to curve them in different shapes.
For this project we had to pick a category and pick 4 words. After we had to find pictures and put the words on top. I did different types of animals and put the print of the animal skin in the words.
For this project we had to pick a animal or an object. After we picked something we had to find a quote about what ever we picked. I picked a butterfly. I picked a butterfly because its a small easy animal to do. I also picked it because i liked the quotes that went with it.
For this project we had to pick to pick a letter. once we picked the letter we had to pick something that started with the letter. After that we made are letter, we could fill the letter in or we could make the letter out of it.

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