Good Life Tour of the Harn Kathryn Gutierrez

"Ode a l'Oubli" by Louise Bourgeois, photographed by Kathryn Gutierrez

Medium of the Art / Technique of the Artist: This work of art stood out to me because the medium was different than anything else I saw in the museum. It is completely crafted out of cloth, hand-sewn and stitched together into the book that is on display. Pictures do not do the work justice because they do not show the full texture of the fabric and the precise detail of the stitchings. Each fabric was created from various cloth Louise Bourgeois collected throughout her life and this is evident in the weathered and worn out look in some of the pieces. This work made me feel as though I was given an exclusive look into the artist's life and the various things she experienced growing up. Each fabric is different and thought provoking in its own way. Some have a feeling of calmness and peace while others are exciting and intricate with different colors, just as one might experience these varying emotions in their own life. The fabrics were also aesthetically pleasing which is another reason I found it so fascinating.

David A. Cofrin Asian Art Wing, photographed by Kathryn Gutierrez

Design of the Museum: I found the exhibits in the Asian Art Wing to be very interesting because of the wing's captivating layout as well as the inviting natural light and appealing aesthetic. When you first enter the wing, you are immediately greeted by vast sculptures that instantly catch your attention. While the room is filled with a decent number of displays, it is just the right amount to fill the space without feeling making you overwhelmed. Beyond the first works of art is a floor to ceiling window that looks out to a beautiful garden. This window lets in natural light to the room while also providing an appealing scenic background for the sculptures. These elements combined create an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere that provided me with a sense of comfort and calmness while visiting the museum.

"Archangel Raphael" attributed to George T. Lopez, photographed by Kathryn Gutierrez

Art and Core Values: This work of art appealed to one of my core values of faith. My religion is a very important part of who I am and helps me through anything I may be experiencing at any given time in my life. I felt connected to this piece because it is a reflection of me as a person and what I believe. The Archangel Raphael performed various forms of healing and as stated in the description, this carving is intended to bring comfort to those around it. Walking through the museum and seeing this sculpture did bring me comfort and gave me a feeling of joy and sense of home upon seeing it. I think I was taken by surprise in regards to my emotions towards the work but it only solidified for me more the emphasis of this value in my life.

"Prism" by Marilyn Minter, photographed by Kathryn Gutierrez

Art and the Good Life: This photograph titled Prism, depicts a woman with glitter and sparkles all over her face and jewels coming out of her mouth. It represents the stereotypical depiction of women in society and distorted expectations of their idealized form while challenging this viewpoint. This print communicated the Good Life theme to me because it served as a reminder to stand up to the norms and expectations in the world and stay true to my values. I think it is especially relevant now given the recent events within our country, which may be another reason why the photograph stood out to me so much. I believe the literal visual depiction in the photo represents seeking the Good Life because it represents what so many women seek for themselves in order to fit in and what they believe will make them happy. However I believe the underlying meaning of the photo represents embracing the Good Life in regards to embracing your values. This photo and the message behind it inspired me to live life based on my values even more so than I previously was. Sometimes we do not know what we believe in or value until it is challenged or questioned but it acts as an affirmation of our feelings and gives us a greater purpose. I believe that when you truly embrace your values and live your life fully based on them, that is when you live the Good Life.


All photos were taken by and feature Kathryn Gutierrez

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