Elizabeth Greenberg Photography portfolio

I draw my inspiration from my beautiful surroundings. We live in an amazing area where there are elegant parks filled with blooming flowers and beaches with crystal clear oceans. I love featuring this nature in my work. My work reflects my personality because I drift towards using bright colors and intricate designs. My work is intended to convey a bright and optimistic view on life. I am inspired by Georgia O’Keefe’s beautiful renditions of flowers. They are always so colorful and I aim to take photos as vivid as her paintings. I love trying new ideas in my works, whether taking photos from odd angles to taking pictures of live subjects. These photos can be out of my comfort zone, but I enjoy taking them so I can challenge myself. Photography has made me look at the visual world differently. Whenever I go to a new place, I sense myself searching for places to take interesting new pictures. The most exciting aspect of photography is that you can never take the same photo twice. The angle will always be slightly different, the lighting a different shade. I make sure to always take multiple photos of the same scene so I can have multiple perspectives.

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