SketchupProject SHarifa alkhazriji

What is sketchup? A 3D modeling program from Google that is known for its ease of use. Use for architectural purposes as well as films and games.


What can we do with sketchup? It can be used for architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film, and video game design.

Why did I chose this project? I chose this project because I'm interested about building and designing and I think that I have the skills

A video which shows my work step by step.

Step 1: I drew two rectangles with certain measures.

Step 2: I drew two lines connecting rectangles midpoints. Then I moved the line upward to create a roof.

Step 3: By using the offset tool I pulled the surface up to create an edges.

Step 4: I Drew two rectangles to create a door and a window. Then I used offset tool to design it.

Last and 5th step: I used paint pucket to add the final touches on my project.

And I'm done.

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