Principles of Design By: Ali Rutland

Asymmetrical Balance

The salmon colored dress worn by Carrie in the middle has Asymmetrical Balance. Because of the one shoulder and quarter length sleeve being unequal to the left side, this is created.

Radial Balance

Outward bursts are created from the belt, causing the dress that Miranda is wearing to have Radial Balance.

Approximate Symmetry

Because of the black bow, approximate symmetry is created. The dress would be symmetrical if it were not for the bow causing a slight change in the dress.

Emphasis by Line

Emphasis is created by the black line. Because of it, the viewers attention is drawn straight to the black belt rather than the outfit as a whole.

Emphasis by Shape


Emphasis is created by the oval shape on her chest. The placement of the cut out causes the shape to have emphasis.

Emphasis by Pattern

Because of the repetition of bright red flowers, emphasis is created by the pattern throughout the dress.

Rhythm by Alternation of Color


The rhythmic black and white stripes on Samantha's shirt causes alternation of color to be created in this outfit.

Rhythm created by Concentricity

Rhythm is created by concentricity because of the flower shaped layers of the shirt Carrie is wearing.

Rhythm created by Gradation of Motif/ Pattern

Rhythm is created by the gradation of the motif of the tutu Carrie is wearing. The tutu progresses backwards like which causes rhythm.

Rhythm created by Sequencing

Because of the sequencing of the horizontal stripes in the skirt, rhythm is created.

Scale created by change in Motif/ Pattern size

The change of patten on the nude dress to the red and black plaid creates a change in scale of patterns.

Scale created by change in Structural Details

The large blue fabric added to the pink dress causes a change in the scale of the structural details of the dress.

Unity created by Structural Details in close Proximity

The structural detail of the rose that continues down the dress causes unity because of the close proximity of the structural details added to the dress.

Unity created by Similarity in Decorative Details

The horizontal rows of fringes create unity because of the similarity of the decorative details.

Unity created by Closure

Unity is created by closure from the jacket because the viewers eye will fill in that the pattern is continued even on the back of the jacket.

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