Tropical Rainforest Madagascar By: jAMAL HAKEM


The amount of rainfall in the great Madagascar tropical rainforest can be from 80 inches to almost 120 inches (254 centimeters).

In the month of July the rain forest can have temperatures ranging from 60 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter it is much higher, with a range from 80 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Madagascar has only two seasons - a hot, rainy season from November to April and a cooler, dry season from May to October


The tropical rainforests are a narrow strip on the eastern coast of the fourth largest island in the world, Madagascar.

The latitude of the rainforest starts from 15 degrees south, down until 25 degrees south. Tropical rainforests also support the greatest diversity of living organisms on earth. Three to five million species live in the Madagascar rainforests. This rainforest covers only 2% of the earths surface. They have no frosty nights and get more than 60 inches of rain a year.


The soil in the tropical rainforest is considered horrible. The soil or "clay" is very acidic. 2/3 of the rainforest can be considered wet deserts. Contrary to many peoples beliefs soil in rainforests is extremely poor and has little nutrients.

Invasive & Evasive species

Gray Wolves have been selectively bred into multiple forms. They were brought here purposely to be safer and limit the populations of its prey. They are found throughout the world. Also believed to have came to Madagascar in the early ages. Wolves are active hunters and some of them are close to humans while some don't affiliate with them in any way.

Clidermia Hirta is a plant that was brought to the rainforests of madagascar. Brought here overtime and grown rapidly. The plant is disastrous to other plants. It takes place and stops native plants from growing. It is also known for ruining the soil in which it grows.

Endangered species Madagascar

Lemurs are endangered in Madagascar. Some species are in worst condition than others. In H.I.P.P.C.O the lemurs would fall in the H category (habitat destruction). They are found in the large rainforests.

The radiated tortoise is very endangered in Madagascar rainforests. They are dying off quickly due to Habitat loss (Hippco). they are also illegally traded and hunted (hipPco).

Madigascan animals

Bamboo Lemurs - Lemurs are animals that Madagascar is known for carrying. The Bamboo Lemur however has adapted to the tropical rainforest in many ways to live. Bamboo Lemurs break down into three smaller species. They all eat large amounts of cyanide leaves. in one day the Lemurs digest enough cyanide to kill three people. They live up high in the trees and rarely come down. They also eat lots of bamboo, hence being called the Bamboo Lemurs

Narrow striped mongoose - They look like a mix of a Puma and a Dog. They are one of the few carnivores found in the tropical rainforest. They eat on almost anything smaller than them, wether it be insects or rodents.

Chameleons - They have adapted very well to the rainforest environment. Chameleons have the ability to change the colors of their skin dramatically. Instead of using their color changing ability to hide from predators, They use it to show emotions and to attract mates. They eat all kinds of insects

Plants in Madagascar rainforest

Baobab trees- the Baobab trees is the national tree of the country of Madagascar. Very useful for people or animals that live near them. they can be used to catch food from because of the seeds that grow from them, or the water that gets trapped inside of their trunks.

Madagascar palm trees- These beautiful trees do not have a massive impact in the rainforest environment but they do house all different types of animals. They can't handle cold weather without dying and lose plenty of leaves over its lifetime.

the Travellers tree- Is also another beautiful tree that can be found in peoples houses on the island of Madagascar. its ability to hold water in its leaves which gives animals a needy water supply is essential. it could also be used as a natural compass

Works cited

Created By
jamal hakem


Created with images by Marie Hale - "Boky-boky (narrow-striped mongooses)"

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