robots should never Fly airliners! By: Anthony Huynh

Would you feel safe giving robots the responsibility of flying airliners along with your life? Of course you wouldn’t!
By giving robots the spotlight, it would cause an even more dramatic drop in the growth of the airline pilot job; which is unacceptable given the incredible amount of talent out there in the world.
Although there are many pros to having A.I pilots take over, a con that just can’t be weighed out is the fact that the A.I systems would raise the risk of flying even higher than it is now.
On the other hand, scientists and engineers believe robots would do a better job of flying than humans. That being said such systems are capable of making intelligent Decisions, the only problem with that is what about when there are complications with the flight systems?
All in all, replacing pilots with robots is not the best choice given the current circumstances in aviation.


Created with images by Didgeman - "aircraft fly sky" • Herm - "aircraft wing clouds" • Dawn Huczek - "people watching" • Andrey Belenko - "Cockpit of Boeing 737-300"

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