Digital Assessment e-Assessment and e-feedback - Jan Low

So how can we assess? Many ways, everyone is different.... I like to show and tell - others like to write - others like to perform - what is your way to tell your story???

How would you tell your story??

There are many ways to present your assessment, knowledgeand findings - Word document; PowerPoint Presentation; create a video; make something; demonstration; quiz, and more....

So how can leaders inspire colleagues and lead innovate practice? I feel that anyone can be a leader - me, you, my 3 year old... it doesn't matter what level of the organisation you are at - you can lead....

Who is the Leader?


Created with images by IHA Central Office - "Trevallyn assessment" • paddling - "MRC Assessment" • Tony Crider - "Physics Assessment" • Hans - "glasses read learn" • Damian Gadal - "Tell your story" • ** RCB ** - "2014-072 - boston cream pi" • isakarakus - "children children playing girl" • WellspringCS - "Lego Play" • lownote - "Sam's 8th birthday" • Tim Green aka atoach - "Lost sheep"

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