2016 Barrett Reflection Winners



  1. Alex K. - My Story
  2. Benjamin K. - How I Became Me
  3. Nolan M. - Nolan's Hoverboards


  1. Trevor G. - Current
  2. Julia G. - The Most Important Things
  3. Anna M. - I Am Not Just

Visual Arts


  1. Ella E. - Ella's Story
  2. Farrell H. - Friends' Faces In My Class
  3. Iris S. - Going to the Park (tie)
  4. Maya S. - Thinking Brain


  1. Ian K. - My Soccer Sidekick
  2. Taylor S. - The Book (tie)
  3. Sophie S. - The Real Me! (tie)
  4. Ava B. - Mystic Wolf (tie)
  5. Quinn B. - Straight (tie)
  6. Abigail H. - My Activites Every Day (tie)


Created with images by kevin dooley - "Reflection" • Damian Gadal - "Tell your story" • a-z1993 - "visual character gallery"

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