Eurasian Ruffe, the Invaders of the Lakes and Rivers Created by Yuji Nohdomi

What is an Eurasian Ruffe?

An Eurasian Ruffe is an inasive species that has invaded Lake Huron, Superior, and Lake Michigan, which are the Great Lakes. They have a perch like body that is less than twenty centimeters long, with glassy eyes and a long curved mouth. Their colouring is pale and olive brown with pale sides. There are sharp sides on its anal fins and gills and they have no scales on their head. Their two dorsal fins are connected; the first fin is very stiff, and has sharp spines with rows of dark spots between them. The second dorsal fin has soft flexible rays.

This is a clear picture of what an Eurasian Ruffe looks like.


What are some Behavioural Adaptations of the Eurasian Ruffe?

The Eurasian Ruffe has many behavioural adaptations that help it survive. First off, it lives in deep water. The deeper water tends to be darker, which means it is more difficult for predators to find this species. Also, they have a quick reproduction rate, which helps it survive because there are more of this species. Finally, these fish are very aggresive for their size. This can help to catch prey easily or swim away from predators faster.

These are Yellow Perch, which Eurasian Ruffe compete for food with.

What are some Structural Adaptations of the Eurasian Ruffe?

Structural adaptations help species to survive, and the Euraisan Ruffe has multiple. First off, these species have a sensory organ called neuromasts. This helps detect predators and prey. Also, their olive brown colour and pale sides can help it camouflage itself in the sand. Finally, this fish is very aggressive, even for its size. They compete for food with other fish, and because they are very strong and there are a number of them, they often win over the food.

Where is the Eurasian Ruffe's Natural Habitat and the Ecosystem it Invades.

The Eurasian Ruffe invaded Lake Superior, from a ballast of water on a transoceanic ship around 1985. Their original home and native area is in the fresh waters in portions of Eurasia, and from lakes and rivers of Asia and Europe. They are named the Eurasian Ruffe because they were first found in Eurasia. These fish have invaded Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan. Eurasian Ruffe like to live in a river or lake approximately seventy to ninety degrees fehrenheit. They were discovered in the Great Lakes in 1986, one year after it invaded the Great Lakes Region.

How do Eurasian Ruffe Migrate in it`s New Area?

Eurasian Ruffes are very adaptable and here are some reasons how the Eurasian Ruffe migrate to a new area. The Eurasian Ruffe are capable of adapting to a lot of environmental conditions with low or high nutrients. They have the ability to spawn in a vary of conditions and habitats. They prefer seventy to ninety degrees fehrenheit, but still can survive in other climates.

What are some Invasive Impacts that Eurasian Ruffe has Done or is Doing?

There are many impacts that the Eurasian Ruffe has done that puts pressure on other native species. First, they eat eggs of other biotic species, which decreases the population of other fish, and makes it harder for other fish to reproduce. They also compete for food with a species called the Yellow Perch. There are many more Eurasian Ruffes than Yellow Perch, which could lead to the extinction of the Yellow Perch. Also, because of the Eurasian Ruffe's nimble reproduction rates, this species takes up lots of space in the rivers. Finally, these species are tolerate of turbidity and pollution. In other words, they can survive in polluted and turib conditions where other native species cannot.

What are the Efforts to Control the Eurasian Ruffe?

Many have attempted to stop the Eurasian Ruffe from spreading without success. They tried a variety of ways, such as chemical, biological, using other biotic species, and mechanical, using machines or tools. The biological method added lots of Walleye which are species that eat Eurasian Ruffe, but this didn't work because the majority of the rivers were full of Eurasian Ruffe and this method would take too long. Scientists also made a chemical that would only kill Eurasian Ruffe if they consumed it, but this also took too long and the Eurasian Ruffe continued spreading by rapidly reproducing. Finally, they attempted to extract Eurasian Ruffe by fishing them, which is the mechanical method, but this didn't work because there were multiple Eurasian Ruffe in lots of rivers, and it would take too long to fish all of them.

Fishing is a mechanical way.
Adding walleye in to the water is a biological way.
Adding chemicals in the water is a chamical way.






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