
Phase 1:

Using Protector on desktop

The web panel is one of the most important analytical tools of Protector. Through it, it is possible to analyse the progression of pests, weeds and diseases, the performance of technicians and the status of the farm as a whole. Once you log on to the Panel, if you have access to more than one company, the first step is to select the company you want to access at that time and view the COMPANY DASHBOARD.

Through it, it is possible to make several analyses in its various boards. The first allows you to compare the climatic conditions of the properties of that company, being possible even to select the desired data source (Meteoblue). The second shows the area at control or damage level for each problem inspected in the field. The last table shows the averages of the main monitoring performance indicators for each of your company’s properties in the selected time interval.

You can also enter TV mode on the company dashboard so that a presentation with all these frames is formed and displayed repeatedly. On this same screen, on the left side a list is displayed, with all the properties of that company, plus basic information and shortcuts. Besides being able to search for a specific property, it is also possible to favourite it in the star symbol so that it always stays at the top of the list. The first icon of the property card is the DASHBOARD OF PROPERTY. The structure is like the company’s dashboard, with the possibility of configuring the frames, turning them off or rearranging them according to the user’s needs. We have in this dashboard the following frames:

  1. Weather conditions of the farm: Weather information of that moment for the property and the forecast of the next 4 days from two different sources (Meteoblue)
  2. Visits and applications: List of areas and how many days there is no monitoring or application in each area.
  3. Heat map over time: Presents the geographic behaviour and evolution of infestations. You must select an indicator, apply the selection and click on the play symbol to see a video of the heat maps generated in the selected period.
  4. Individual performance: Presents the averages of the main performance indexes for technicians in the selected time interval.
  5. Problem affected area: Occurrences with greater areas in level of damage and/or control and the size of the area affected by that occurrence.

The second icon of the left side menu is the TIME LINE.

This feature gathers all the necessary information for decision making. Through it, we will have an overview of the property and a deeper view of each area. On any screen of the timeline, you can also access the weather information already displayed on the dashboard. On the right, you can select the map that brings the best information for the analysis you want to do. The severity index map shows, in a more visual way, what the state of your plot is based on the last monitoring done.

In addition, it is possible to view the map of days without monitoring and map of days without application as well. Also on the right side, it is possible to access Imagery, which provides satellite images from two sources (Landsat and Sentinel) in 3 different algorithms (RGB, NDVI and SAVI), which allows inferring the health of the crop. It is also possible to filter the scenes by the cloud index calculated in each one. By selecting a plot, either from the list on the left or from the map, we can analyse the information collected in that plot in a deeper way. At the bottom of the screen, we have all the dates in which there was some event, either monitoring, application, annotation, etc.,. By selecting the date you want to analyse, all sample points and walks will be displayed on the map and you can click on each of the points to see details of that point. On the left side of the screen are displayed the general information of the plot and the results of the plot that day. In the case of monitoring events, it is possible to consult not only the diagnosis of each occurrence found, but also indicators of sample density and time spent in the field. For even more complete analyses of each occurrence, it is possible to generate a heat map for each indicator and a trend graph that generates a curve for each indicator and how it behaved during the season. It is also possible to edit information about the fields such as “Name”, “Variety” (where more than one can be selected), “Date of planting” and “date of emergence”.

Phase 2

Create properties and areas

Protector Scouting is the offline field collection application that is available for Android mobile phones and tablets. Through it, it is possible to collect pest data, growth stages, notes, register applications, among other things.

As soon as you log into Protector Scouting, if you have access to more than one company, the first step will be to download data from organizations and properties you want to access offline.

If the property you need is not available on that company’s list, you can create new properties on the plus symbol, even if you have no internet connection.

The first step to create a new property is to select its location. The application recognizes where you are as the location of the new city, but you can also search for the desired city or select it on the map. It is important to remember that the satellite image will only be available if you are connected to the internet.

After selecting the location, you need to fill in the name of the property and, if you are working offline, the location data and the time zone in which that property is also located. Finally, just confirm and enter your property to create the areas. To create new areas on your property, the first step is to click on the “Create areas” card in the action menu. We have two options of creation: Recording by GPS and Manual Design.

Recording by GPS is more recommended when there is no internet connection, since the satellite image will not be available. Just start recording, walk or drive around the field and, at the end, finish recording. The application will emit a beep to each new registered coordinate to indicate you that it is saving your work.

The manual design can be used when the satellite image is available. Through it, we can draw the area by clicking on the screen to form the polygon. It is possible to move a point already created by clicking, holding and moving it. If you need to, you can delete it in the red button. It is important to remember that one polygon cannot be overlaid with another!

When you finish drawing the area, you must assign a name, a crop and a variety to that area. Before creating the area, you can also fill in data such as planting date, emergence date, crop forecast and adjust the area.

Phase 3

Log an Observation

After confirming the creation of the area, we can now monitor the field! Record monitoring, growth stages and notes. To start pest monitoring in the field, we need to select the “Sample problem” card from the action menu. On the first screen, we have a list of inspection groups, which represent a grouping of phenomena and characteristics that are monitored together. In most cases, there will be only one inspection group in this list.

By selecting the group that will be inspected at that point, all possible phenomena will be listed, grouped by their category. In the example, let’s say that within the category of insects, we have level of damage X. We can also minimize the categories, to find what you’re looking for more easily, or search by the pest name. By clicking on the phenomenon you want to register, we can see and enter data for each of the indicators configured in the application. After registering, we need to save the occurrence and we can register other phenomena at that same point. If you wish, you can also take a photo or make a note of that sample point.

In case you have not found any phenomenon at that point, click on the “Nothing found” key. Finally, to close that sample point, select finish and then finish sample. You can check what was collected by clicking again on the monitoring pin on the map. Another registration option in your Protector scouting is the growth stage. This recording is done by the “Growth Stages card in the action menu. A list of possible phenological stages for the crop of that area will be displayed and just select the observed growth stage. If this stage was observed longer but is only being registered now, select the number of days it represents when this stage was observed. Again, it is also possible to take a photo or make a note of that point and then register the stage. For notes in general or for some phenomenon that is not listed in the inspection groups available in the application, we recommend using the “Notes” card. the first step is to select the type of annotation that is being registered. It can be about the point, or about the property. If you’re outside of a notebook, the only option available for annotations is about the property.

Here you can enter any annotation and also take a photo, if desired. To register, select save annotation. Once you have an internet connection, always remember to synchronize your data. This not only sends the collected data to the system, but also downloads new updates from that property.

Phase 4

Application Registration

By Protector Scouting, you can also register applications that have been made in the areas of the property. Just click on the “Application Registration” card in the action menu. It is not necessary to be inside the area to make this registration.

The first data are the start and end date and time of the application. It is important to remember that this functionality allows you to register only applications already made, so it is not possible to select a future date and time for the beginning or end of the application. Then select the areas that have been applied. You can search for the name of the area in the search field and adjust the number of hectares actually applied.

The next step is to record the flow rate or total amount of chemical used. Based on the previously adjusted area, the application calculates the other value automatically. The filling of the number of tanks used and their capacity is optional and entered by clicking on the key. In this same screen, we need to select the products applied. Click on add, search and select all products of that application and then adjust the applied dose of each one. The total quantity of the product can be calculated automatically by the total of registered hectares or the total of litres of chemical. If this property has more than one chemical store, it is important to select from which chemical store each product should be deducted. When you have finished registering the products correctly, click on save and enter the next information of “Application Mode”, “Grace Period” and “Re-entry Period”.

On the last page, we can optionally fill in other information such as machine, implement and tip used, weather information, soil moisture and notes.

Finally, just review the completed information, edit if necessary, and register the application.

Registration of generic points

A feature of the Scouting Protector that helps the field work is the creation of fixed points. By selecting the “Fixed points” card from the action menu, we can see all the fixed points created, searching or filtering them to find the desired fixed point. By clicking on a landline card in the list, the application directs you to where the landline is.

The fixed points can be of three types: Traps, rain gauges and Generic Points. To mark locations as attention or reference of a hole, a fallen tree, or something similar, the type of landmark that should be used is the generic landmark. The creation of a generic point can be done even outside the area, by the plus button. Select generic dot, install generic dot, enter the name of the generic dot and to finish the installation, take a picture. You can check the name and photo of the generic dot by clicking on the event pin and this dot will be available for all users of this farm in the Scouting Protector. If you need to delete this point, access the web panel.