On Liturgy Destiny metani period A 02/28/17 i have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this work

What is liturgy ?

Liturgy comes from a Greek word “leitourgia” which is a word that is used to describe the work of an individual in service or all Christian service. It has come to mean an established formula for public worship, a proscribed ritual which many churches use in their services and in their ceremonial rites.

Mass as sacrifice

The Eucharist is a true sacrifice, not just a commemorative meal. The first Christians knew that it was a sacrifice and proclaimed this in their writings.


Community and liturgy

The worship of God , which has been at the heart of the community's life since its founding , has developed over the years into a full daily cycle of prayer and Word and Sacrament the Eucharist is a communities principal act of worship. Presided over by one of the resident ordained clergy, the Eucharistic liturgy incorporates forms and prayers.

Liturgical diversity in the church

The diverse liturgical traditions have arisen by very reason of the Church's mission. Churches of the same geographical and cultural area came to celebrate the mystery of Christ through particular expressions characterized by the culture: in the tradition of the "deposit of faith,"67 in liturgical symbolism, in the organization of fraternal communion, in the theological understanding of the mysteries, and in various forms of holiness. Through the liturgical life of a local church, Christ, the light and salvation of all peoples, is made manifest to the particular people and culture to which that Church is sent and in which she is rooted. The Church is catholic, capable of integrating into her unity, while purifying them, all the authentic riches of cultures

How the liturgy is both unified and diverse in the church ?

The liturgy is diverse in bringing people of similar cultural traditions together while simultaneously creating a unified body of believers of similar customs that can worship together


Created with images by travelspot - "montalcino church church window" • leonyaakov - "The Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt, Russia" • kmckaskle - "communion wafers christianity" • Magic Madzik - "94/365: The Resurrection" • Northfielder - "Cathedral of St. Paul"

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