Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules By Jeff kinney

  1. Greg is a sixth grader who says his diary is a journal when he SPECIFICALLY told his mom to get him a journal so don't expect him to be dear diary this and dear diary that. He has 2 brothers named Rodrick, and Manny Rodrick is a trouble maker because he's a teenager. When Rodricks' parents were away he threw a party. He also threw Greg down in the basement and left him down there while he had the party. When the party was over there was paint/ permanent marker on the bathroom door that said RODRICK RULES. So then Greg and Rodrick took the bathroom door down in the basement and grabbed another door and put it as the bathroom door and pretended he was sleeping. His parents were suspicious about it they remember the old bathroom door had a lock on the door. Every time his mom asked them about the door they deny every bit of it, then she finds out about it.

So they were sent to their grandparents house where you watch the security cameras as television. Rodrick reads Gregs JOURNAL and makes a video of him, he was in his underpants chasing Rodrick and he was getting ready to show it to Holly Hills. Holly Hills is a girl that Greg likes a lot


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