Graveyard Innovation Strategic StoryTelling Process: Phase One - The Idea lab

Marketing firms are all about what they can do to get a set of tasks done. At Graveyard Innovation, our focus is The Story.

When we talk about Story and Storytelling, we're not talking about marketing - as many others do. We're talking about the Story of your business. And the story always starts with....

an Idea.

Phase One of our Strategic Storytelling Process is the place where that Idea gets the space it needs. Whether it's a new idea or it has been around for awhile, in order to tell the story, the idea needs time to be nourished, explored, looked at from all angles with lots of different eyes and perspectives. That's what the Idea Lab is all about...

In this 4 - 6 week process, you get the time to reflect and explore the idea. We get the time to understand your idea, your mission, your business. From here, the story is born. 

Why is Story important?

At the end of the Idea Lab process, there is a narrative, a story, in place. This is the story of your business. It gives your business its purpose. We have answered the question: What can your specific business do to better tell your story? With this in place, the following is possible:

  • We have the ability to Produce Endlessly Original Ideas, Content, Products, and Experiences - including website copy, talking points, presentations, videos, etc.
  • There is a framework for decision making in business
  • You get personal confidence and deepening of your mission
  • There is true potential of cooperation in business because each business is on unique and differentiated ground
  • and...
You are anchored for present and future inspiration and action

Curious to know more? Email us at or visit us at

Don't let your idea end up in the graveyard.


Created with images by Unsplash - "light bulb lightbulb light" • Ramdlon - "once upon a time writer author" • pixelcreatures - "compass map navigation"

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