"If you want to attract a million dollar client, you need to wear million dollar shoes." It's all about your platform

I have been using this analogy a lot lately...

"If you want to attract a million dollar client, you need to wear million dollar shoes."

What I mean by this is; It's all about your platform...your digital face to the world. The digital office building you conduct your business out of...your online platform.

Does your website look like this?

If your online platform, your digital office/storefront.... looks like it resides in a worn strip mall built in the 1970s...are you going to attract that million dollar contract? As opposed to the business that understand their corporate image is enhanced by their hip trendy loft in Soho or Soma in the heart of dot com alley, or perhaps the leased green glass modern office complex in north San Jose off of 1st and Zanker smack in the middle of the true movers and shakers of Silicon Valley. Perception, whether we want to believe it or not, is THE highest factor in key decisions when it comes to choosing a business to work with. The 'offering' is unfortunately secondary. Which is truly mind boggling because it's the business offering that someone hears about that gets them to your front door. I know, I personally have disdain for such superficiality, but it's a FACT. You can't pitch a million dollar prospect wearing $10 shoes, made in China, that you bought at Walmart. You won't be able to get out the first line of your amazing proposal without them having already made a subconscious first impression judgment and step towards a rejection.

So my metaphor about the shoes is really about what you are standing on. The foundation of your platform.

Well... there is help...

It's what we do... we build platforms that work, in essence what we really do is build empires.

Influencer Tools Creative Agency is getting ready to launch our new creative suite and powerful platform building services that help Entrepreneurs and Influencers create their own powerful platforms. Tools that make Speakers, Authors, Real Estate Agents, Coaches, Business Leaders/ Influencers and other personality based businesses stand out above all the rest.


Created By
Dave Gould

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