Pit Bulls Are They Really as Bad as People Think?

While many people may be unaware, pit bulls are often mistreated, causing them to become known as a vicious breed. Their owners train them by putting them in situations where they are forced to fight. Eventually, these pit bulls do not know any other way to act around other dogs or people. They become defensive and come across as vicious and mean.

Some people over-breed pit bulls simply to make more money. They do not care about the dog's well-being. They want to have as many pure bred pit bull puppies as they can so that they can sell them all to make money.

However, when pit bulls are treated with love and respect, they are truly a happy breed. These pictures display pit bulls that were rescued from the sad life of fighting and cruel treatment.

Sometimes all it takes is a loving family to change the life and the stereotype of a pit bull. Like any other dog, a pit bull loves to be in a home where the owners truly care about them and love them.

Dog owners must be educated through commercials or videos showing the true loving nature of pit bulls. People should be exposed to the drastic contrast between mistreated pit bulls and pit bulls who were adopted into loving families.

People must treat pit bulls the way that they would treat any other dog so that the stereotype of vicious pit bulls will end. Pit bulls will act according to the way their owners treat them, and they must be treated with love and respect.


Created with images by jvoves - "untitled image" • www.jasoncoreyphoto.com - "Luna" • James Buck - "Pit bull dog love" • Bad Apple Photography - "Shadow" • pasa47 - "Warning Pit-Bull" • Beverly & Pack - "Graphic Dead family pet dogs & puppies killed by the city of Denver, CO because of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) discrimination" • jimbomack66 - "Like George Burns Only With a Ball Instead of a Cigar" • sally9258 - "DSC05152" • sally9258 - "DSC01108" • sally9258 - "DSC01094" • 825545 - "stafford pit bull terrier" • State Farm - "2013 American Hero Dog of the Year - Elle the pit bull and owner Leah Brewer" • KOMUnews - "Puppy on the mend after rescue from Columbia dumpster" • RescueWarrior - "love kisses dog"

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