T-Town Mardi Gras Party In Tulsa!

Couldn't make it to Nawlins, but I could hang out with some other PHOTOGs at the 8th annual Mardis Gras Parade and District Crawl in Tulsa's Blue Dome District. Yes, it's a smaller parade, smaller venue and a bit less crazy than the week-long festivities down in the Big Easy. But it provided some nice street photography and the feel of Mardi Gras. Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Some shots from the parade staging area follow.

Checking the Parade Staging
Member of the Precision Segway Squad
In Case of Spooks, Who You Gonna Call?
No Sarge, Do I Gotta Ride In The Pink Squad Car Again?
Some Bon Temps Spirit

A big thank you to Lee Black for organizing another fine PHOTOG Meetup event. It motivated me to get out of my chair and take my photo gear with me.

Waiting for the parade to begin the revelers get ready, along with some help from one of the event sponsors!

Tulsa Institution and Supporter of many Blue Dome District Events
Where are your beads Barry?
That's More Like It!
Some Family Friendly Fun
Femme Fatale
Ready To Party!
Got That Mardi Gras Spirit
Dynamic Duo
Ready For Some Music
Llaissez les bon temps roulez!

Everybody loves a parade! Tulsa's Mardi Gras parade went around the circuit twice so we got double our monies worth.

Street photography opportunities continued well after the end of the parade.

V for Victory
All Lit Up
Santa Lets The Good Times Roll
My Favorite Shot of the Night
Plenty of Beads, Plenty of Suds
Mardi Gras Groove
Looking For The After Party!

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