
we are here for you resources


Tips to follow....

Maintain a normal routine to the extent possible.

Create a schedule or to-do list for the day

Establish a wake up time as a family

Set specific times for school related work

Schedule a specific time for breaks

Be intentional about some sort of physical activity either outdoors or indoors

Maintain Healthy Habits in the Home

Wash hands multiple times a day for at least 20 seconds

Cover mouths with a tissue when you sneeze or cough and throw away the tissue immediately, or sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow. Do not share food or drinks.

Eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly; this will help develop a strong immune system to fight off illness.

Practice social distancing. This is not the time to meet up with friends and hangout.

Ways to cope during this time

Get outdoors - take a walk or run while still practicing social distancing

Connect with others. FaceTime or Video Chat with friends or family. Here are a couple free options below available via app or online:

Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media.


Created with an image by TotalShape - "mental health mental wellness mind"