Twilight is different from the movie. In the book the characters are different they give details that doesn't show the emotions of the characters. Stephenie Meyer made this book putting in the details and emotions into the book. Both Edward and Bella are very different. Both sides of the movie are unique. In the book Bella and Edward fall in love but Edward wants to protect her and care for her.

In the movie the scenes are at different times and places. At one point where Bella finds out what Edward is it takes place in a car in the book but in the movie it's in the woods by the school. Not all are different but most are right.

The movie is different from the book. Most scenes in the book are scratched out from the movie. The characters are different and so are the emotions. The detail from the movie and book aren't the same. Not everything is different just certain parts.

In my view the book is better not that I don't like the movie or that because it has more scenes or conflicts. The reason i like the book better is because Stephenie Meyer put her own feelings and hard work into it. She took a long time to put her work and feelings into the book. You should read the book because of all the up and down conflicts it has. The drama and love and passion it has makes you be on the edge of your seat. The passion of the love and emotions take your breath away.


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