Steve Jobs by: kamryn coon

Hartland,Jessie. Steve Jobs Insanely Great. United States: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2015. Print.

"Apple CEO Steve Jobs Delivers Opening Keynote At Macworld." Research in Context, Gale, 2005.

"Jobs, Steve." Britannica Student Encyclopedia: An A to Z Encyclopedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2015.

"Steve Jobs." Newsmakers, Gale, 2000.

"Jobs, Steven Paul." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™, Columbia University Press, 2017

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak made it in to history by making the Apple computers, and designed specifically for all general public.

" We started out to get a computer in the hands of everyday people, and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams."

life as a kid

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, in 1955.His parents were unmarried college students, so they put him up for adoption. Even now he's generas he doesn't want to follow the rules.

Steve Jobs Mom is named Clara his Dad was Paul and his sister was named Patty.

When Steve Jobs was in 4th grade his teacher notices that he is brilliant so, she keeps Steve Jobs challenged.

Adult Life

When Steve Jobs was an adult he had cancer but, he didn't tell anyone about it.

Steve Jobs was married to Laurene and had four kids. Those kids were named Lisa, Erin, Eve and Reed.

Steve Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak made the iMac, iPod, iPhone and more.


Created with images by incredibleguy - "apple-macbook-air" • segagman - "Steve Jobs 1955-2011" • Lordcolus - "iPod & er4" • c_ambler - "untitled image" • DariuszSankowski - "ios new mobile"

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