Climate Of The Daintree Rainforest

The average rainfall is around 502 millimeters per month during the wet season and about 105 millimeters of rain falls during the dry season.

The average temperature in the wet season is around 30 degrees celsius. The maximum temperature reaches around 31 degrees and the minimum dips down to 27 degrees.

The average temperature during the dry season is around 27 degrees celsius. The maximum temperature reaches around 30 degrees and the minimum dips down to 25 degrees.

The Daintree Rainforest has the normal four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) like we have in the U.S. but they also split the year into two seasons called the wet and dry seasons. The wet season (December-April) gets a lot of rain and precipitation while the dry (May-November) season gets very little precipitation.

Net Primary Productivity

Compared to the other types of biomes on Earth, the tropical rainforest has the highest net primary productivity, kilocalories per square meter per day, number of frost free nights, and the highest amount of rainfall per year. The latitude of the Daintree Rainforest is at -16.2 degrees. The wildlife in a tropical rainforest is the most diverse out of any area in the entire world.

Soil Quality

In rainforests, the soil is leached by very heavy rainfalls but heat and humidity help many different plant species thrive and grow. The plants that do grow keep up the productivity and compensate for the lack of nutrients deeper down in the soils.

Invasive Species - Feral Pigs

The feral pigs are blamed for a lot of environmental problems in the rainforest. The large pigs thrash through the rainforest with brute strength, eating large quantities of native trees and animals. They spread the root-rot fungus with their hoofs, and contribute to the spread of exotic seeds and worms.

Endangered Species - Southern Cassowary

The southern cassowary also known as double-wattled cassowary, Australian cassowary or two-wattled cassowary, is a large flightless black bird. It lives in northern Australia, New Guinea, and the surrounding islands. There are only a little above 2500 left in the world and the number is declining in most areas. The main reason for their decline is habitat destruction. Their land is being cleared for reasons such as farming and urban development.

Animals in the Biome

One of the most popular animals in the Daintree Rainforest is the Spotted Cuscus. The cuscus is very similar to a sloth - and has about the same vigor and energy too. It is a very shy nocturnal mammal that sleeps most of the day perched on a tree branch.

Another animal that thrives in the rainforest is the Goanna. They have the ability to travel from tree to tree, across the ground, or swimming across creeks. This allows them to easily hunt down prey and avoid predators.

A third animal in the Daintree Rainforest is the Giant Tree Frog. They have sticky fingers that allow them to stay up in the trees of the rainforest, away from danger.

Plants in the Daintree Rainforest

Blue Quandong

The Blue Quandong plant grows bitter edible fruit. The animals in the rainforest feed on the fruits, thus helping to better the ecosystem.

Burrawang Palm

The Burrawang Palm is a member of the Cycad family, this palm produces highly toxic seeds.

Fan Palm Trees

The Fan Palms provide a lot of shade and protection from the sun and its heat. This is the reason many different types of animals and other plants can survive in the rainforest.

Wait-a-While Plant

The Wait-a-While Plant grows thin, pointy shoots that surprisingly are edible for some animals. They are very dangerous though and animals must be very careful around the plant.

Tree Hollows

Tree Hollows are very abundant in the rainforest and they provide a number of species of animals with protections from predators and other dangers they may encounter.

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