Washington D.C- President William Harrison Dies Jaime Snyder, per 3

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today we will explore the wonders of the capital.
You all must know me because, I'm currently the president.
If some of you might not know me from the newspapers, my name is John Tyler.
I'm am currently the 10th president of the United States.
I would like to tell you first, how I got here.
Former president William Harrison died from the disease called pneumonia and then as his Vice President I took his place.
Out of respect for William Harrison, I would like to share with some of his biggest accomplishments during his life.
William Henry Harrison was a territorial congressional delegate from the Northwest Territory, and later as a U.S. representative and senators from Ohio.
He was also the first president to die in office and was the first to serve only a month in office.
Lastly, he was a war hero for the Indian forces at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. While being a territorial congressional delegate, he turned a Native American prophet into an actual prophet.
Now that I'm here, I want to tell you a few of my favorite places near the capitol building and why.
Church of the Epiphany is the first place I like visit when I have extra time. This is because my family has a strong Catholic background, and this place reminds me of my family.
The second place is The Smithsonian Institution, formally known as the National Muesum. This museum shows our countries history.
I think to be a great leader of this country, I need to know what the men before me accomplished. The very last place, is the George Washington statue. When I was little, I used to think of what a great man he was and what he did to support his military.
William Harrison caused change in the United States. It caused change by letting John tyler as president after dying of Pneumonia. Another reason why William Harrison caused change is because he is a war hero and change the U.S even after being in office for 1 month. It caused change because it showed how anorahrable he was to his country.


Created with images by edwarddallas - "William Henry Harrison - 9th President" • kevingessner - "Capitol" • Phil Roeder - "Capitol" • amitp - "California Capitol" • serghei_topor - "rome capitol square marcus aurelius" • Phil Roeder - "Capitol" • monkeyatlarge - "Capitol" • K. M. Gong - "Capitol" • kevingessner - "Capitol" • K. M. Gong - "Capitol" • monkeyatlarge - "Capitol" • mrpbps - "Capitol" • Barry B's Photography - "Ely Cathedral - 'Nowhere to Sit'" • shankar s. - "Airboat model" • USA-Reiseblogger - "austin texas usa" • aenigmatēs - "Capitol by night"

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