16-sentence story Julia Bigari

Carlos always traveled to places like Tokyo, Mexico City, and London

He sent Marie postcards: first, he sent one in front of Sensō-ji; second, I received one in front of Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City; third, Marie didn't get a postcard, but she got a letter from London.

In the letter Carlos wrote with beautiful, passion about how much he loved Marie.

Oh, Marie sat there blushing.

At the table, she finished reading the story.

When she put the letter back in the envelope, she found an airplane ticket to London.

She started to pack her suitcase, after she found the ticket, to go to London

Excuse me, Jerry, where is terminal A9

Jerry, the airport security, showed me the way to terminal A9.

“I need a ticket to go to London,” said an old man, “I need to see my dying wife.

Marie stopped in her tracks and turned around, and saw an old man with a walking cane begging for a ticket.

Marie, who always put herself after others, gave the man her ticket if he promised to give a letter to Carlos.

It was February 2, 2015, and Marie changed someone's life.

When the man landed the first thing he did was find the address, London SW1A 1AA, UK.

When Carlos got the letter he opened it it said, “Dear Carlos, I'm sorry I couldn't be with I love and miss you.”

The old man then immediately traveled to see his wife lying quietly, with a smile on her face.


Created with images by quapan - "LUFTFELDPOST - 13. Januar 1943" • CaptMikey9 - "I Can Come, See, I Fit!" • Pexels - "notebook notes pen" • Laineys Repertoire - "Blush" • CAITLIИ| - "foot prints;"

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