Carving By: Emily Velasquez

When this unit began I wasn't quite sure on what to make my carving of. The first few days I started just searching up the letters of my name, until I came across with this letter E and the style of it intrigued me. A few days after an idea sparked in my mind.

The idea and design for my carving was based on a nickname that my friends and family call me. Since my favorite animal of at time is an elephant they combined my name with elephant.

After my design was finished with the help of my friend Rose I put my design on easel. I realized that most of the little details of my elephant weren't going to carve so Ms. Kushner helped me enlarge the elephant so the designs were thicker.

This was my finished product. I used positive and negative by making the carving white and the background black. I learned that even if you think that your design is good enough you can still make changes to make it even better..

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