Outdoor Photography in Fife By Espen Helland

Creature of the Night

Berries are a great source of nutrition for a variety of birds during the winter months. Though they better be careful how much they eat, after the first frost these berries will ferment and produce alcohol. Know when to stop if you're a lightweight.

Greenfinch, Waxwing, Redwing and a Lesser Spotted Norwegian.

Stand Up Paddleboarding, Black Sands Beach on a calm Sunday morning in December

Tranquil paddlers

The great voyage


A roe deer popping her head up to say hello on a walk to Dalgety Bay
St. Fillan's Church, Aberdour


Ghost Tanker

Going back to the same place at different times of the day and year can produce many different results.

Kissing Trees

End of the Road.

For this time.

More photos, stories and videos to come. Check out my website to register for updates. Connect with me social media.

Created By
Espen Helland

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