About Me kyndee Schmitz

I am apart of the CCF group here on campus and I want to be a missionary in Turkey which is in Eurasia. I am going on a mission trip to Turkey this summer.

I was adopted when I was born and a only child. My name is my parents names put together and I also have a big family that is kinda crazy. I am the youngest first cousin on both sides of the family.

I have known my best friend since he was born. We are a month and Eight days apart and is parents are my God parents.

I have lived in Seeley Lake, Montana since I was born and have never moved. I graduated from high school with mostly everyone in this picture. The picture was taken in pre-school it was my first ever school picture.

I have played volleyball from 5th grade till my senior year.

I even went to London on an international tour team. We we're there for two weeks. There were 21 girls two from Montana eight from Canada and the rest were from all around America.

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