My Future Katie Rackley


I am a caring, nice, and trustworthy person and those things help me with what I want to do in life.

She is my cuddle bug!


After High School I plan on going to RCC for the first two years of College, then I plan on going somewhere rather close so I can stay near family, whether it's Oregon State or University of Oregon or maybe somewhere closer even. I plan on getting a nursing degree so I can become a nurse.


The RCC campus is in Medford, Oregon State is in Corvallis, and University of Oregon is in Eugene. I will probably get an apartment with a roommate.


You have to take the SAT's and the ACT's and graduate high school to be able to apply to college.


Nursing has always peaked my interest as a career. I want to be a nurse so I can help the people that need it.


You must work hard, you must dedicate yourself to schoolwork, and you also have to get good grades.

Created By
Katie Rackley

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