My Life Matthew Murphy

I was born and raised in Miami, Florida but my family is Cuban, Irish, and German.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria
I attended high school at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in Miami

Growing up, I always loved the U. From as early as I can remember, I was at the football, basketball and baseball games and always hoped to come to school here. UM was my dream school and the only school I applied to.

Chavez Grant hooking up his #1 fan with some game worn gloves

I love all sports, and my hobbies include photography, astronomy, fishing, biking, surfing, diving, water sports, aviation, traveling and just about any outdoor activity.

My dad and me shooting a Miami Dolphins football game
Me and a friendly llama in Machu Picchu, Peru
Me in the cockpit
Photographing a blood moon
I love to surf, which means I should probably move somewhere with waves

Over the break I went skiing in Breckenridge, Keystone, and Arapaho Basin Colorado.

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