Of mice and men By caden singley

My motif

The motif I chose was manipulation. I chose this motif because it was original and I felt it connected all the stories.

The thematic statement that I chose that connected all the stories and was still relevant today is: "People manipulate other to get what they want, even if they seem to be your friend".


Chrysanthemums was the first story in the three I am using for examples. In the story, a man and his wagon stop by a women's garden to try to do business. The man pretends to be the woman's friend, and offers to deliver some flowers for her (Page 4 par. 16). Later in the story, we find out he threw out the flowers and only kept the good flower pot she gave him (Page 7 par 38). This is an example of how people can pretend to interested in you, but manipulate the relationship only to benefit themselves in the end.


Tularecito is the second story I am using on this presentation. In the story, all the manipulation was caused by other people. They would manipulate tularacito's drawings and anger him. But from a different perspective, the drawings manipulate tularecito. He can't live without them, and his emotions are controlled by them (Page 3 Par. 16). This is a great example of how we can idolize non-living things and let them control/manipulate our lives.

Of mice and men

Of mice and men is the third story I am presenting. In of mice and men, George and lennie travel together and take care of each other. In the beginning of the story, they meet the boss in order to work in the ranch. Curley comes in and suspects George of manipulating lennies pay and taking it away from him. This is an example of how corrupt people were back on the Great Depression, and how manipulation played a big role on those times and in present day.


In conclusion, manipulation is present in all eras of time. It plays a giant role in society, and has shaped humanity forever. It is present on all three stories we have analyzed, and has greatly affected there outcome. In all, manipulation is dangerous and you should always be aware of it.

Created By
Caden Singley

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