The Holiday Weight Gain Struggle Is Real It All Adds Up Fast

The average person gains up to a pound over the holidays. But for people that are already overweight or obese they can gain up to 10lbs. between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

With all of the holiday candy and treats, it's easy to see how a person can quickly eat more calories than intended.

During the holidays many people host parties and gatherings, some of which have open bars. All this drinking can lead to bad decisions and a bigger waist.

Wine, beer, and liquor are full of empty calories which means they provide little to no nutritional benefit.

There are about 123 calories per 5 fluid ounces of wine. If you prefer beer, you'll drink down even more calories. One can of beer averages 154 calories. Mixed drinks can be even more dangerous and may contain even more calories depending on the juices used to mix them.

Many specialty drinks are full of sugars and carbohydrates.

It's best to think before you drink some of these beverages.

Starbucks offers many speciality drinks for the holidays. but many of these tasty drinks are full of sugar and contain a lot of calories.

Before you drink or indulge always glance at the nutrition label on a product. If you are in a chain establishment, most provide calories inside or on their menu boards so you can make an informed decision.

The actual serving size may surprise you!

Little to no free time can mean less time for healthy meal prep. With all of the running around sometimes fast food is a quick option for a meal. Instead of burgers and fries opt forĀ healthier menu items.

Many People Use Their busy schedules as an excuse to eat badly and skip the gym. these are just two more factors that may attribute to holiday weight gain.

If you eat five cookies too many or eat seconds and thirds during Christmas dinner, you may regret your choice.

Remember you can always make a better choice during your next meal. It's never too late to get back on the wagon.

So when you encounter that holiday spread of goodies, remember one simple thing...

Why deprive yourself this holiday season?

One beer, two bites of pie, or a few pieces of candy won't completely derail your diet and weight loss accomplishments.

It's a simple rule
Created By
sarah iorio


Photos by Sarah E. Iorio

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