Do you know what book this is? Images are just as powerful as words

This is an assignment for Adobe Gen Pro Digital Story-telling Course in which we are to choose a modern or classic fairy tale and create five images that will reflect key parts of the story. Created a single image from multiple images using Adobe mobile apps (Adobe Fix & Adobe Mix) along with Photoshop. First time using Adobe Fix & Mix and they are fantastic! This is a demonstration on how easy it is for teachers or students to start learning photo manipulation in Adobe Fix & Adobe Mix. Also great introductory apps for beginners to become more familiar with some of the power-house tools within Photoshop.

Journal Entry: I only had like the weekend to do this project so I am not completely satisfied with the results but it gives an idea on how powerful these mobile apps are. It is so easy to do photo manipulations with the mobile apps and send the image to Photoshop. Once again what would take hours to do using Photoshop is now cut in half. Using the mobile apps and placing in the Creative Cloud Library to share with the desktop apps is like epiphany moments!! Images came from the following deviant artists ( Faestock; I Quit Counting; Moon Glow Lilly; Need a New Name; Wulf-stock; Arewen Arts; Illusionist Memories; Granny's Attic Stock; Alz stock; Reznor 70; Paradise 234; Malleni; Obscure Lilium; Welsh Dragon Stock n Art; Neveryph-stock; Kool Kid 77;etc.

Created By
Madra Ullrich

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