Rip Tide A book report by ruby mclendon

Once again the government has corrupted crimes shrouded in secrecy...

Things in the deep they'd rather not have their citizens know about....
Things like killing whole townships for money, and hoarding dangerous animals for sports....

Once again Gemma and Face a dangerous mission. Ty's parents have been kidnapped and time is running out.... if he doesn't find the surf, his parents will die....

Ty suspects it's the government but he never expected the government to be killings townships...

The clock is ticking....

Another thrilling book by Kat Falls,Nicole of adventure, beauty, danger and mysteries...

Rip tide is every bit as good as dark life, the first book in the series. I highly recommend these books as they are very exciting and quick reads, making you incapable of setting the book down.

If you like Dark Life by Kat Falls, then you will certainly like Rip Tide, the second book in the series.

Also if you like futuristic realistic fiction books, you will surely like dark life and rip tide.

You won't be able to put them down!

The End


Created with images by Pexels - "ocean sea submerged" • Unsplash - "scuba diver diver diving" • MartinStr - "squid octopus underwater" • Chadica - "Sunken ship in Pearl Harbor" • btaroli - "245_20121114_bt_chumley_bear_cruise" • abhinaba - "Sunken ship from the Submarine" • Serge Melki - "Turtle at Antilla Wreck Aruba" • btaroli - "258_20121114_bt_chumley_bear_cruise" • btaroli - "261_20121114_bt_chumley_bear_cruise" • PublicDomainPictures - "animal blue creature" • extended.epiphany - "deep sea spun sugar" • Pexels - "blue deep diving deep ocean" • NOAA Photo Library - "expl1068"

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