Isha Sir walter raleigh

Sir Walter Raleigh was born in East Budleigh. He died on October 29, 1618 in London.

Sir Walter Raleigh as an English landed gentleman,writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, sly, and explorer. He spent most of his time at Oriel College, oxford before leaving to the Huguenot army in the French religious war in 1569.

This is oriel college in Oxford

Sir Walter Raleigh was poet, Tudor Courtier and andventurer. He led many expeditions to America and introduced tobacco and the potato into England. He chose the name of the first English colony in America. He named it Virginia after Queen Elizabeth.

This is a potato to show that sir Walter Raleigh introduced them in England

In 1591, the Queen was upset because Raleigh married one of her servant girls. However, she forgave him when one of his expeditions to Spain resulted in the capture of a large treasure trove.

This is a treasure trove similar to what sir Walter Raleigh captured.

Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded in London, under a sentence brought against him 15 years earlier for conspiracy against king James the 1st

This is a picture of king James the 1st who caused this to happen


Created with images by bazzadarambler - "Exeter ... in the High Street - Sir Walter Raleigh." • Verity Cridland - "Oriel College" • Anemone123 - "heart potato love" • Meditations - "bank billionaire bills" • conner395 - "William Paterson - Chief Constable of Inverness Burgh Police from 1950 to 1962 (taken while a constable)"

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