Mr. Luu's Class Field Trip Page



Please be aware that field trip slips will be distributed 2 weeks prior to the field trip. In that time, please have your parents sign the slip and get a pre-excuse slip for all your classes that day. We will be gone for a majority of the school day. Furthermore, you will still be held accountable for any work you miss from your classes. In addition, all classroom rules and procedures will be in place. Any disregards or showing any disruptive behavior will lead to not being able to participate in future field trips or events. The field trip will be on March 14th, please have your slips in by March 11th.

Questions and Concerns

Any questions or concerns can be brought up to me or your child can ask me during an appropriate time. Furthermore, you may contact me using the email provided to you in my syllabus distributed to your child.


Created with images by NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "NASA Unveils Celestial Fireworks as Official Image for Hubble 25th Anniversary"

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