
Thank You for Your Gift to the Williston Northampton Fund for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

The Williston Northampton School's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) has never been stronger. With your help, we have been able to lay the groundwork that will help ensure everyone in the Williston community feels an equal sense of belonging.

The 2020-21 school year unfolded amid a national reckoning on race, which sparked a yearlong process of self-reflection for the school, and ultimately a new five-year strategic plan for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Your support helped fund trainings, conferences, guest speakers, and other initiatives that aim to ensure every student at Williston is valued and treated equally. See the impact of your gift below.

The school held six anti-racist trainings and presentations for faculty, staff, and students, facilitated by renowned guest speakers on topics ranging from how to have courageous conversations to creating inclusive environments.

A group of students and faculty attended the NAIS People of Color Conference and the NAIS Social Justice Summit. These activities jump started the formation of a group on campus called BARWE, or Building Anti-Racist White Educators.

Williston hired a new Dean of DEIB to oversee and implement initiatives from a newly created five-year Strategic Plan on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

"Williston inspired me to continuously seek out the best in people, to have the courage to both lead and to learn from others at the same time, to acknowledge and nurture my talents and seek help to support my limitations. In doing this, I gained an appreciation for community and the value of diverse perspectives, beliefs and experiences. As a student, these differences, at times, appeared to divide us, but they also strengthened and unified us as a student body when viewed through the wider lens of the human experience. I continue to benefit from the education and community I gained at Williston and believe that this is a unique experience that many students continue to benefit from."—Class of 2007 Alumna

Thank you for your support of Williston's diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives!

Together, we are meeting the moment for our students and faculty.

Thank you for making a difference.

For more information on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at the Williston Northampton School, please click here: