THE BROOK Tom mccoag

Every time I travelled to Halifax, my eyes were attracted to a little set of rapids located on Highway 102 between exits 6 and 7. Sometimes it was a raging torrent, other times barely a trickle. Always, it was gone in a blink of an eye as the car whipped by. Curiosity finally got the better of me. This is what I found.

What I found was this rock-strewn, babbling brook with a mini-waterfall
It's one shore a steep-sided cliff, trees seemingly growing in the rocks and hidden pools
While the larger falls drew my eye, so did the many smaller ones that could be found in abundance due to the large boulders that filled the creek-bed.
The still, clear pools hid ...
The awesome power and beauty of this brook
And to think, all of this natural beauty is just metres off one of Nova Scotia's busiest highways
Created By
Tom McCoag


Tom McCoag

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