2k17 the best year

2017 is going to get good for school because i'm going to do my class work and focus in class and not distract other people in my class and stay seated at all times .

i want to have a good football season this year and have no injures. and always get better don't if you don't work hard you will not play hard means if you do not show up you don't at practice you will not show up in the game.

i have some goals like staying on task don't wait till the last minute to do my work i need to stay in shape over the summer but my biggest goal is to focus i have a bad time doing that .


Created with images by danielam - "pf 2017 new year new year day" • Rafael Sato - "School" • keijj44 - "american football football team offense" • urban_data - "Goal"

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