
玛莎•布莱克本提议国会议员严拒抖音、大疆 【中英对照翻译】

作者:Margaret Harding McGill/玛格丽特·哈丁·麦吉尔


翻译/简评:free dust






Marsha Blackburn urges colleagues to refuse meetings with Chinese companies

玛莎•布莱克本(Marsha Blackburn)敦促同事们拒绝与中国企业会面

Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images 参议员玛莎布莱克本。照片:Alex Wong/Getty Images

Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn called on her fellow lawmakers to refuse meetings with representatives from Chinese companies, including video sharing app TikTok and telecom company Huawei, in a letter Thursday.


Why it matters: Companies with ties to China have been the target of ire and suspicion from lawmakers from both parties concerned about privacy and security.


Driving the news: Blackburn told colleagues that denying access to Senate offices sends a "warning shot" to Beijing in the misinformation war over the origins of the coronavirus.


  • Banning meetings with Huawei, TikTok, telecom company ZTE, and drone-maker DJI "is a long overdue sanction," she wrote, pointing to bans on government agencies using Huawei and ZTE equipment, and rules against some federal employees using TikTok on government devices.
  • 她写道,禁止与华为、抖音(TikTok)、电信公司中兴通讯(ZTE)和无人机制造商大疆公司(DJI)会面“是一项姗姗来迟的制裁”,她指的是禁止政府机构使用华为和中兴的设备,以及禁止一些联邦雇员在政府设备上使用抖音。
  • "Their company representatives likewise cannot be trusted to lobby members of Congress with the best of U.S. intentions in mind," Blackburn wrote.
  • 布莱克本写道:“同样,他们的公司代表对国会议员的游说也不能被信任,这些国会议员会以美国的意志为宗旨”。

What they're saying:


  • "Contrary to Senator Blackburn’s misinformation, DJI’s American employees welcome every opportunity to discuss issues related to drone technology with our elected officials, helping them to better understand the technology that American first responders rely upon to save lives," DJI said.
  • 大疆公司表示,“与参议员布莱克本的错误信息相反,大疆的美国雇员乐于接受每一个与我们民选官员讨论有关无人机技术问题的机会,帮助他们更好地了解美国急救人员赖以拯救生命的技术,”
  • "TikTok US is led and run by a team of experienced and empowered industry veterans in LA, Silicon Valley, New York, Austin and other cities throughout the country," a spokesperson for the company said. "We believe that open dialogue is the best way for people to learn about our values and policies. We will continue to engage with policymakers who are interested in learning what TikTok stands for."
  • 抖音美国(TikTok US)公司的发言人说:“抖音美国是由洛杉矶、硅谷、纽约、奥斯丁和全国其他城市的经验丰富、实力强大的行业资深人士领导和管理的。我们相信,开放对话是人们了解我们的价值观和政策的最佳途径。我们将继续与有兴趣了解抖音立场的政策制定者进行接触。”

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】