
Makers What inspires you?

What is MakerED?

Now, it's your turn to be a maker- Try a Mystery Architecture Activity to warm up your maker minds!

These are the people that your students will be working with.

Austin, Texas
Growing up out of the Ground!

Maker Skills are the Skills that Innovative Employers are looking for:

The seven top characteristics of success at Google are all soft skills: being a good coach; communicating and listening well; possessing insights into others (including others different values and points of view); having empathy toward and being supportive of one’s colleagues; being a good critical thinker and problem solver; and being able to make connections across complex ideas. - Blog: "Google finds STEM Skills aren't the most important skills". Michigan Future Incorporated

Making is great support for the 4 C's- Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity. But, it's also valuable for Curriculum support for all topics and in every location of the school.

So, What is keeping us from implementing MakerEd? Let's talk Blockers.


Students can Lead the Way!

Third Graders Designed a Makerspace for their School.

Problem Based Learning to support your Community

5 African Youth Entrepreneurs Change the World!

One eighth grade student uses his passion for electronics to teach fellow students about 3D printing, Arduinos, and other hands-on lessons in STEM skills. (Edutopia, 2014)

Make Something


Created with an image by KeithJJ - "football american football game"

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